Quality British fish since 1985


 Fish farmers for over 30 years

Frenzied feeding

Frenzied feeding

Our fish

Coarse fish and cold water ornamentals

We produce 13 species of fish in a range of sizes. We have been selecting for many generations to produce stock with specific colours, scale patterns, growth rates and vigour.

Hardy British Goldfish

Hardy British Goldfish

Why buy British?

Discover the benefits of British fish

British produced fish are stronger, healthier and live longer. Learn more about the advantages of buying British produced fish, compared to typical imported fish.

CEFAS and OATA approved

CEFAS and OATA approved

Bio secure farmed fish

Officially the highest biosecurity rating

Why risk your hugely valuable business’s fish stocks by introducing fish from a non biosecure site?


Prices & rates

Download our latest fish prices and delivery rates, or request an availability list


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